Lunchtime Talk & Meditation

Chris Whittington recently led our first Zoom Lunchtime Meditation Session for the business community and we were delighted with how it went.  As one person commented, “I think meditating works really well by Zoom and feel I’ve recharged afterwards.”

The focus of the session was “Beholding the Radiance of Creation:  Contemplation and the Healing of the World”. 

In the earliest Christian writings, we see creation spoken of as the first Bible, the radiance of the divine, waiting to be read by us. As St. Anthony the Great put it, “My book is the nature of creatures and this book is always in front of me when I want to read of the nature of God”. 

Chris reflected on how the practices of Deep Looking and Deep Listening help declutter “the eye of the heart”, so we can perceive this radiance and  come to better see, hear and love those around us.

“To the contemplative heart, everything is singing the glory of God. All creation and each of us (from the tiniest single cell organism, to the most frustrating person at the office) bears witness to the invisible source of life, simply by being here. We are the invisible made visible, the radiance of God. We are the song that God is singing. Which, despite appearances sometimes, is always a harmony.”

Once again, people valued the words and the space of the Lunchtime Meditation Session, appreciating, “the wisdom Chris brings from himself and other Christian thinkers and the sense of peace” and “the space it afforded me in the day to reset”.

If you’d like to listen to the session, you can do so here.

For mor information and to book in for a morning meditative retreat led by Chris, on Saturday 11th July 10:00-12:30, please click here.