Retreat in Daily Working Life

Retreat in Daily Working Life

A Retreat running for a six week period from the opening meeting on 20 September fitting around the pattern of your work and your life, week by week.

Who is this Retreat for? This Retreat is open to Christians and to anyone who is searching or curious about God.

What does the Retreat involve? The Retreat runs for a six week period from the opening meeting on 20 September – and it fits around the pattern of your work and your life, week by week.  It involves three elements:

  • Daily private prayer: The heart of the retreat is private individual prayer. You are invited to make a commitment to pray privately, daily, for whatever period you can manage each day, but we recommend at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Weekly individual meeting with your prayer guide – and you can decide whether you would prefer to meet in person, online or by phone: Once a week, you will meet with your allocated prayer guide for about 30 minutes.  You can decide whether or not you would like to meet your prayer guide in person (in line with any restrictions which are in place at the time), although some prayer guides are only available to meet online or by phone: we’ll aim to accommodate your choice of in person, or line or by phone.  Beyond this, you and your prayer guide will arrange the details of your meetings together.
  • Meetings to begin and end the retreat:  Although this is not a group retreat or prayer group, there is a sense in which everyone making the retreat is journeying together, so we’ll share group meetings to open and close the retreat.  The Opening Meeting will be on Tuesday 20 September from 5:30 – 7pm; the Closing Meeting will be on Tuesday 8 November starting at 5:30pm. Both meetings will be held at ChaplaincyPlus’s new offices (with Agapé) at 167 Newhall Street, Birmingham, B3 1SW (a 10-15 minute walk from New Street and from the Church of England cathedral)

How do we arrange a time / place / platform for meetings with my Prayer Guide? In order to match up Prayer Guides and participants, it is helpful to understand any specific constraints, so when you book your place you will be asked questions about Place/Platform/Day/Time/Other, to get an idea of what’s going to work for you.  The main thing to appreciate is that the time to meet your Prayer Guide will fit with your availability.

GDPR – Sharing of booking information for the purpose of this Retreat: Please note that we will share your booking information with Manresa Link, in order to allocate Prayer Guides appropriately and so that, for the purposes of practical arrangements for the retreat only, Manresa Link or your Prayer Guide can contact you: by entering booking information, you are agreeing to ChaplaincyPlus sharing this information with Manresa Link, on this basis.  If you need to know more on this, you are welcome to contact Sarah Thorpe (

What does it cost to join in this Retreat? We suggest a donation of £20 towards the work of Manresa Link. However, we do not want the cost to preclude anyone from participating: please speak to Sarah Thorpe if you need to discuss this aspect. Additionally, ChaplaincyPlus relies on donations to deliver our vision to help people encounter the depth dimension of faith and life, so we are giving those who chose to do so the opportunity to support ChaplaincyPlus with a further (optional) donation to enable our work to remain open to all. 

If you have any questions please contact to Sarah Thorpe  or 0798 224 8949.

Booking Details

Bookings are now closed for this event, please contact if you have any queries.